Our Mission
We inspire and empower people to improve health and healthcare through data visualization.

Our Vision
We are the leading data visualization company helping people access and understand data to achieve better healthcare and healthier communities.

Our Values

Do what is right over what is easy
We cultivate an environment of trust by leading with honesty, reliability, and accountability. We strive to do the right thing and take ownership of our decisions.
An open mind is a creative mind
Our creativity and innovation springs from our deep exploration of people’s challenges, motivations, and goals. Understanding the perspective of others, inspires us to create beautiful, valuable solutions that resonate deeply with people.
Quality flows from passion and expertise
We celebrate the unique expertise of our team in our pursuit of creating things that are accessible, meaningful, and beautiful. We take pride in the quality of our work and its impact.
We learn by being curious
Our continuous learning and growth begin with unbounded curiosity and awareness of our blind spots. We challenge ourselves to pursue new insights, perspectives, and skills.
Lead with health
We begin and end each day with a passion to improve the health of individuals and communities everywhere. Together, we nourish our personal and collective wellbeing and empower others to do the same.
We thrive and struggle together
We genuinely like and care about each other. Our foundation of respect and trust keeps us sharing stories, laughing often, and enjoying our work together. When life gets hard, we know, “I’ve always got your back.”
Creating high-value reports and dashboards in the health and healthcare space requires experience and expertise in three areas: health and healthcare knowledge; mastery of the tools and technology; and data visualization best practices.

1) We know health and healthcare
For us, health and healthcare are not just practice areas or an interesting vertical market; they are all we do. HealthDataViz, a Sellers Dorsey solution, is the only data visualization company solely dedicated to the health and healthcare ecosystem. When you work with our team, you get:
- Front-line experience and deep expertise in clinical care, operations, reimbursement, the constantly changing compliance and regulatory environment, population health, health equity, research protocols and studies, new and evolving care delivery models, and public and environmental health issues.
- Demonstrated experience and expertise in visual displays designed to meet 508C regulatory requirements and plain language narratives.
As a result, people actually use data to see something new, make informed decisions, and take action.
2) We have mastery of the tools and technology
We know these technologies inside and out. That’s how we’re able to get more out of the tools and make it easier for you to work with them too. Specifically:
- We spend all day, everyday working with these tools.
- We use them exclusively in the health and healthcare context.
- We know how to troubleshoot and customize them.
- We train data analysts and others to use them with health and healthcare data and information.
- We wrote the leading textbook on how to get the most out of the leading data visualization tool: The Best Boring Book Ever of Tableau for Healthcare™ (which is not, in fact, at all boring).
Our experience and skills empower you to put better information into the hands of your customers and decision makers—because we know how to help you get more out of the tools that capture and communicate that information.
See all of the Technology and Capabilities in our toolbox.
3) We’re experts in human perception and data visualization
Designing clear and compelling visualizations that empower people to explore and understand the story in their data is not an inherent ability, nor is it simply a matter of creativity. Rather, it’s a learned skill, firmly grounded in the study of human perception, that must be thoughtfully and actively practiced.
HealthDataViz team members are acknowledged experts in, and students of, both existing and emerging research on how people see and understand data. We use that knowledge to create beautiful, easy-to-use and – understand data visualizations that help our clients see how they’re doing.
Our Story | Our Team
A big vision for visuals
It all started when two healthcare veterans (and one tech-savvy millennial) saw (and talked about) what no one in the data visualization world wanted to admit: despite all the excitement around big data and data visualization, health and healthcare organizations still weren’t getting the full picture from their data. Our founders set out to build on their honest perception and solve this program, creating a successful consulting, training, product, and services company that unites deep health and healthcare experience and solid data viz chops.
Thanks to their clarity of vision, innovation, and depth of skill and experience, HealthDataViz now helps hundreds of health and healthcare organizations across the country see precisely how they’re doing.
Learn more about our story as told by co-founder, Kathy Rowell, in her interview for the Massachusetts Health Data Consortium podcast:

Team Bios
Meet the A-Team (there is no B) that takes its A-Game to every engagement:

Kathy Rowell (Co-founder & Principal) is a nationally recognized health, healthcare and data visualization expert, lecturer, and author, who specializes in helping leading organizations analyze, design and present visual displays of data to inform their decisions and stimulate effective action.

Sandy Lawson (Co-founder and Principal) is an expert in the operational delivery of healthcare, healthcare regulations and reimbursement.

Dan Benevento (Principal) is a data visualization consultant and trainer with a passion for using healthcare data to save the world.

Lindsay Betzendahl (Partner and Senior Consultant) is a Tableau Desktop Certified Professional and Certified Partner Consultant and a Tableau Visionary HOF who has worked in healthcare for 20 years (direct clinical care, quality management, data analytics and visualization).

Donna Allen (Product Manager) is a marketing and project management expert with decades of experience working for large and small companies turning strategy and vision into reality.

Janet Steeger (Instructional Design Specialist and Senior Consultant) is a registered nurse and Tableau Desktop Certified Associate with over 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry, including adult and pediatric clinical care, quality management, research, education, and electronic health records.

Robert Rotzin (Consultant) is a public health professional specializing in data visualization, preparation, and sourcing.

Katie Bueno (Instructor and Consultant) is a public health professional that uses her unique understanding of data to share important insights about the world around us.

Meagan Foster (Project Manager) is an educator turned project manager applying years of classroom teaching and educational leadership to the job of keeping HealthDataViz client engagements on track and on budget.

Stephen Hurst (Consultant) is a Tableau trainer and loves helping learners rapidly build their skills and knowledge with Tableau so that they can hone their data visualization and analytics capabilities.

Pam Morine (Project Coordinator) keeps the trains running on time at HealthDataViz. She has applied over twenty years of experience in healthcare administrative roles to managing large- and small-scale projects for HealthdataViz.

Susan Brown (Accounting Clerk) is a graduate of Fisher College in Boston and has over 20 years of experience performing back-office operations both large and small scale.