By downloading the files below, I understand that the data provided to complete step-by-step instruction in the book Tableau for Healthcare is copyright-protected by HealthDataViz, LLC, and my use of the data is limited to the training modules and exercises for which it was intended. I agree not to reproduce or distribute the data for any reason except as agreed to in writing by HealthDataViz, LLC. I understand it is for my individual use and continued learning and agree to the terms of use as outlined in this Data Use Agreement.

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Download Files

Thank you for purchasing The Best Boring Book Ever of Tableau for Healthcare! You can download all the files here:

Here is a quick description of the files that accompany this book.

Starter Workbooks

These Tableau Packaged Workbook files are the starting point for each exercise. Most data connections are already set up in these workbooks so you can open to any chapter and start building.

Solutions Workbooks

These Tableau Packaged Workbook files contain the solutions for each exercise. Compare your own workbook builds with these completed files to evaluate your work.

Data Sources

These Excel files serve as the data sources for all of the exercises in the book. Some data manipulation exercises (i.e., table joining and data blending) will require you to connect directly to these files in order to create data connections.

You may decide to work through each chapter sequentially; however, the chapters are designed to stand alone should you elect to jump straight to a particular chart type or skill-building exercise.

The data provided to complete step-by-step instruction in the book Tableau for Healthcare is copyright protected by HealthDataViz, LLC and use of the data is limited to the training modules and exercises for which it was intended. You have agreed not to reproduce or distribute the data for any reason except as agreed to in writing by HealthDataViz, LLC.