Woman contemplating alternatives to stacked bar charts.

Alternatives to Stacked Bars

Stacked Bar Chart or Some Other Display? As with all charts, we need to think first about the different types and characteristics of the data we are working with before deciding on the most appropriate chart type. We can ask questions such as: What do we need to tell our Read more…

Design Thinking Required

The story of modern medicine is the story of our human struggle with complexity. Technology will, without question, continually increase our ability to make diagnoses, to peer more deeply inside the body and the brain, to offer more treatments. It will help us document it all—but not necessarily to make Read more…

Two Must-Read Health Equity Books

Historical and Structural Oppression’s Impact on Health Equity I’ve had the privilege of a world-class education focusing on our healthcare system and how to measure and evaluate healthcare quality and health outcomes, coupled with decades of work experience. However, despite my education and awareness about many inequalities that COVID-19 laid Read more…